- How long will the treatment continue?
The answer to this question is; It is different for every baby. There are some characteristics that will determine this.
- What is the allergy, what is its severity, what is the degree of sensitivity?
- What results were obtained in the examinations?
- How long will the treatment last?
The answers to all these questions vary from baby to baby. Although it is within the general principles, each baby is approached differently.
Sometimes, only milk, products and ready-made formula are given to the baby; but can tolerate the amount passed through breast milk. Then there is no need to put the mother on a diet.
When it is necessary to put the mother on a diet; It is necessary to be very careful that there is no evasion in between. A little getaway; It makes memories in the baby's immune system; The prohibitions at that time will be in vain.
When the mother is put on a diet, it is necessary to replace the calcium, protein and other elements that the mother needs to consume with alternative foods. Otherwise, after a while, some complaints will begin in the mother. The mother's milk will also lose its nutritional value after a while.
There are certain criteria for trying the prohibited diet. Even to conduct this trial, the allergy level in the blood is expected to drop to a certain level. It is not recommended to try it before an average of 6 months.
Complete recovery occurs over years. Sometimes it can take 2 years, sometimes longer. There is a rare possibility that it may not go away at all. In that case, a method called "desensitization" comes into play. It can be thought of as a form of vaccine. Tolerance development towards milk is achieved.
I wish you healthy days.
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