Even though your child is 2 years old, he/she cannot make sentences of at least two words and tries to express his/her problems with only the sounds he/she makes or single words, then it is said to have a speech delay.
Factors Causing Speech Problems
Health:Severe and long-lasting diseases may cause delay in language development. Fulfilling every desire of the child without giving him the opportunity to express his wishes due to illness delays speech development.
Intelligence:The sounds made by the child before the age of 2 have no connection with intelligence, and language development begins with the development of intelligence after the age of 2. It is thought to be directly proportional to.
Gender:Although it is thought that the language development of boys is slower than girls, this judgment does not always reflect the truth. All children, boys and girls, are expected to make simple sentences when they turn 2 years old.
Family Relationships:A healthy mother-child relationship positively affects language development. Talking to the child, reading books to him, and playing games with him enable the child to use language properly and effectively.
Encouragement to Talk:In order for language to be used as a means of communication, the child must feel this as a need. It is observed that the language development of children whose wishes are understood and fulfilled without being given the opportunity to express their wishes lags behind their peers.
Genetic Factors:A family member such as father, uncle, first-degree cousin. If one or more of them have a delayed speech problem, it can be thought that the speech problem seen in the child is due to a genetic predisposition.
Developmental Problems:In cases where language development is affected, such as pervasive developmental disorder or autism, the child either does not speak at all. or cannot use language effectively.
Television:Spending too much time in front of television, especially images with fast transitions such as commercials and clips, causes language development to be delayed.
Neurological Problems:Some problems in the speech center of the brain create problems in speaking and using language effectively.
Facing Speech Problems. a What Can Be Done?
It is necessary to find the source. Unless there is a physiological or developmental problem, speech delay is thought to be caused by the child not feeling speaking as a need. Behaviors such as understanding and meeting every desire and need of the child without the child expressing it and speaking on behalf of the child cause speech delay.
Activities to Support Language Development
The child should be made to feel speaking as a need. To do this, encourage them to talk without forcing them. For example, if the child wants water and only expresses this by whining, ask "What do you want?" instead of giving water immediately. If he can express it, give it to him. If he can't express it, "Do you want water?" Ask and then give it.
Tell him about the things you do while dressing, eating, playing games. .
Be careful to use proper sentences while speaking. Do not use babyish expressions.
Create opportunities for him to express his wishes verbally.
Do not force him to talk, motivate him.
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Look at picture books and tell what you see.
Sing short songs. Ask him to imitate your gestures and facial expressions.
Name the people you see in the photo album.
Concepts such as color, shape and size are included in your games.
You can include time-related concepts in your conversations (such as today, tomorrow, later, next week).
Tell your child about events. Giving the opportunity to talk and share about one's feelings and thoughts regarding the language will increase language development and self-confidence.
You can play word finding games.
You can produce different melodies using music and rhythm instruments. The sense of rhythm is especially necessary for reading skills.
You can play dramatization games (such as being a doctor, barber, mechanic). Dramatization both guides the child on how to behave in certain situations and supports language development.
In the picture and You can talk about what he sees around him, what he watches on television, and ask him about his feelings and thoughts.
You can ask him to tell about a picture he made.
Theatre, cinema. You can go to places such as museums, exhibitions, etc. and talk about what you see there.
You can talk about the properties of objects and come up with ideas about how they can be used differently.
You can take different photos with the camera and talk about them later.
You can dramatize a story you read with puppets.
You can create stories using various objects.
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