Every woman considering pregnancy should consult a dentist for oral and dental health, just like all other health checks.
Oral cavities, infections and gum problems can cause problems for both the mother and the baby.
Pains that occur especially during pregnancy and the mother's need for medication should be handled carefully.
The treatments that can be performed and the medications that can be taken are carefully arranged by contacting the Gynecologist.
The pregnant patient is treated by sitting in the appropriate position in the dentist's chair. X-rays are not taken from the patient and special electronic devices are used in the stages of the treatment that require radiography.
The anesthetic solution to be used is selected in a way that will not harm the expectant mother and the baby and will not cause premature contractions.
Another important issue:
Food consumed at night due to vomiting and craving in the first three months of pregnancy affects oral and dental health. has a negative impact. Tooth decay and gingivitis occur quickly.
In addition, due to the effect of changing hormones, the gums, tongue and palate mucosa become more sensitive.
The expectant mother often experiences burning sensation in the mouth, bleeding gums, dry mouth and He complains about bad breath. Brushing teeth may become difficult due to nausea.
Some suggestions to make in such situations:
If there is nausea due to toothpaste, only use brushes. and the teeth can be cleaned with water, the amount of paste can be reduced or pastes that do not foam very much can be preferred.
Teeth should not be brushed immediately after vomiting. It should be waited for at least half an hour for the acidity in the mouth to subside.
Teeth should be brushed or sugar-free gum should be chewed, especially after eating foods at night. Care should be taken in the intake of carbohydrate and sugary foods.
You should drink plenty of water against dry mouth.
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