Anal condyloma is a disease caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), usually sexually transmitted. It is the most common among sexually transmitted diseases. Apart from sexual intercourse, it can also be transmitted through shared toilet bowls, by transferring warts from other parts of the person's body to the anus, and by close contact with people who have warts. The most important and feared feature of the HPV virus is that it can cause anal and cervical cancer. That's why diagnosis and treatment are very important when suspected.
Anal condyloma can be seen in both men and women. It is seen in the vagina, around the anus and in the anal canal in women, and in the penis, around the anus and in the anal canal in men. While its occurrence in children under 2 years of age suggests transmission through the mother's birth canal, the possibility of sexual abuse should be considered in children over 2 years of age.
There are more than 200 known subtypes of HPV. Approximately 40 of these cause disease in the anogenital region. The most common types that cause disease in the anogenital area are HPV 6 and 11. Infections caused by HPV types 16 and 18 are more dangerous as they can progress to anal canal and cervical cancer. HPV types 6 and 11 have a lower risk of cancer.
The most important element in protection is vaccination. Every individual between the ages of 9 and 26 should be vaccinated and protected with the HPV vaccine. The most important factors that increase the risk are polygamy and sexual life starting at an early age. Infection is easier in patient groups with low immunity, such as diabetics, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and AIDS patients, compared to the healthy population.
Anal condyloma does not usually cause complaints, patients usually get infected during genital area cleaning. They consult a doctor because of the swelling on their hands. Rarely, they may cause complaints such as itching, discharge, bleeding, and pain.
Treatment of anal warts can be done by dermatologists, gynecologists and general surgeons. Generally, small and few warts are treated by dermatologists with cryotherapy (freezing treatment) and creams, while many and large warts need to be surgically removed or cauterized (burning treatment). Each wart is surgically removed and pathologized. It is unnecessary to send it to . Warts with the typical HPV condyloma appearance can be eliminated with treatment without pathological examination. Pathological examination is required for warts with a large number and atypical appearance.
There is a risk of recurrence after treatment. Therefore, the person should be followed by the physician with regular check-ups for 1 year after the diagnosis to see if there is any recurrence.
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