HPV virus is a virus that has now been proven to play a role in the formation of cervical cancer. HPV, Human Papilloma Virus, is the abbreviation of Human Wart Virus. There are more than 300 types in nature. More than 100 types cause cervical cancer and warts in humans. 1 in 10 people currently has the HPV virus.
HPV is a silent virus and does not give any indication that it is present in most people. HPV can be contracted unnoticed. Condoms cannot provide complete protection against HPV. More than 95% of the cases are transmitted sexually. There are four forms that are most common in humans. HPV 6 and 11 cause warts in the external genital area and anus, and HPV 16 and 18 cause cancer in the cervical area. Detection methods are usually by sending a swab taken from the cervix to genetics. With this method, it is possible to detect the presence of the HPV virus in a person and its type, if any. Contact is sufficient for HPV to be transmitted. Full sexual intercourse is not necessary.
Cervical cancer caused by HPV is the 2nd most common type of cancer in women in the world. One person dies every 2 minutes in the world due to cervical cancer. In addition to cervical cancer, HPV can also cause precancerous lesions, external genital area cancers, vaginal cancer, and cancers in the head and neck region. Genital warts require painful treatment and may recur frequently. It is possible to provide protection against cancers, pre-cancerous lesions and genital warts caused by HPV with vaccination. Their detection is usually made by detecting lesions that are precursors of cervical cancer. Therefore, a sexually active woman should have a pap smear test once a year. It is possible to detect the precursor lesions that cause cervical cancer years before cervical cancer occurs, and the treatment of these lesions is also possible. Therefore, the risk group is identified in patients who come for a vaginal smear test, which reveals that cervical cancer is a preventable cancer. Cervical cancer vaccine is a vaccine that is used. It is generally applied to virgins, it is done on the arm, it does not have any side effects, it is done in 3 doses. However, if HPV DNA screening is also performed on women who are sexually active and there is no risk group, the vaccines will not be administered to this group. It can also be applied to patients. As a result, cervical cancer is a type of cancer that can be detected by screening, diagnosed early, and treated. In addition, the cervical cancer vaccine seriously protects patients from cancer and warts.
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