Rheumatological diseases, commonly known as inflammatory rheumatism, are known as a group of diseases that usually affect the joints and can sometimes involve internal organs, and are basically caused by an unexplained disorder in the immune system (autoimmune). When evaluated in numbers, we can actually talk about a limited number of diseases. However, the presentation of the same rheumatological disease can occur in very different clinical presentations. In fact, although calcifications, that is, arthrosis, are also included in this group, their mechanism of emergence is quite different from the aforementioned autoimmune system-related rheumatisms.
What is the cause of rheumatological diseases?
The cause of this group of diseases is not fully understood. It is thought that they occur under the influence of environmental factors on the basis of a genetic individual predisposition. For example, some rheumatological diseases have a high rate of occurrence in the same family members. However, the disease may occur in one twin but not in the other. This shows that the entire event cannot be explained by genetics. Here, an agent (viruses are usually held responsible) causes the body to produce certain substances that somehow damage its own joints and tissues. As a matter of fact, drugs that suppress the immune system improve the symptoms of inflammatory rheumatism.
Which are the most common rheumatological diseases?
Actually, two main diseases are leading in this group; rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. These two diseases cover almost more than 80% of rheumatology practice. Psoriasis arthritis (psoriatic arthritis), Sjogren's syndrome and gout are other relatively common inflammatory rheumatisms. Apart from these, other spondylopathies (inflammatory spinal rheumatism); Spondylopathies due to inflammatory bowel disease and psoriatic spondylopathies are also seen less frequently. It is not common in juvenile arthritis seen in childhood. Systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, and vasculitis (Behçet's disease), which can progress with internal organ involvement, are rarer types of inflammatory rheumatism.
Which doctors can treat patients with inflammatory rheumatism?
This group of patients is referred to rheumatology and physical therapy. edavi doctors can treat. A rheumatology doctor is a doctor who has completed 2 years of specialization in physical therapy or internal medicine. In other words, some rheumatology doctors are physical therapy doctors and some are internal medicine doctors. Until the last 15-20 years, rheumatological diseases were treated by physical therapists in our country. Because the treatment of rheumatological diseases is a part of the assistant training of this branch. As the number of rheumatologists increased over the years, some physical therapists began to pay less attention to this group of patients. However, some physical therapists continued to treat this group of patients. Since the Ministry of Health is aware of this fact, it has given the authority to prescribe almost all drugs used to treat rheumatological diseases to physical therapists who do not have a higher specialization. Therefore, rheumatological diseases are treated successfully by physical therapists who follow the current literature in both private, state and university hospitals.
Is the treatment of rheumatological diseases only medication?
Drugs are undoubtedly very important in the treatment of rheumatological diseases. Especially in the last 10 years, our treatment alternatives have increased in parallel with the development of biological agent treatments. However, exercise is a treatment weapon that doctors generally do not pay much attention to, but is actually vital for this group of patients. Medicines can reduce the inflammation in the joint, but their effect on correcting joint deformities and restoring the functions of the joints is limited. For this reason, these patients must be given a deformity-preventive and protective exercise program.
As rheumatological diseases are chronic and disabling diseases, they must be diagnosed early, appropriate drug treatment must be started, and a preventive exercise program must be given.
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