Healthy nutrition, which is important in every period of life, begins in the womb for children and continues until the 20s, when various organs continue to develop. Nutrition during pregnancy and early childhood has important effects on health in the short and long term. Studies have shown that children who eat healthily in the first 7 years have higher school success, regardless of other factors.

Children with constantly growing and developing organisms Nutrition is valid not only for growth and development, but also for protection from diseases and health in adolescence and adulthood.

If linear growth has stopped and stunting has developed in a 2-year-old child, it is very difficult to correct it after this period. Therefore, healthy nutrition strategies should be implemented in the first years. Nutritional errors made at early ages cause negative effects such as impaired intellectual and working capacity and problems in reproduction in the long term. Therefore, the suggestions and practices to be developed for healthy and correct nutrition are extremely important.

As it is known, the first 6 For one month, only breast milk alone is sufficient. However, after that, complementary foods are required. The suitability of complementary foods is important to protect against diseases and obesity, as well as malnutrition. Complementary nutrition, also known as complementary foods, should start from the 6th month and breastfeeding should continue until the age of 2.

Appropriate complementary nutrition is rich in energy and micronutrients(iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins A and C, folic acid), does not contain pathogens, toxins or harmful chemicals,GMO< It should be easy to eat, without salt, sugar or spices, and in appropriate quantities that are acceptable to the baby. In order not to restrict the intake of breast milk, giving excessive amounts should be avoided. During this period, breast milk should provide 1/3 of the energy requirement.

Mothers should introduce them to children at an early age and increase the variety of meals to get them used to various tastes. If the food is consumed first If he/she refuses at once, different tastes should be tried and given again and again without being forceful, so that he/she gets used to it.

If possible, iron-rich foods of animal origin, especially vitamins A and D, as well as other vitamins, foods rich in minerals, vegetables and fruits, and grains should be given in a balanced way every day. .Children in these months should not be given sugar, coffee, canned food, fried foods, some processed foods, and ready-made fruit juices.

Generally, children do not like vegetables very much. They can prepare edible raw vegetables by making healthy dipping sauces, such as beetroot, yoghurt, garlic and olive oil. Melted cheese can be placed on broccoli and cauliflower.

If meals are made fun, the picky eater can forget that he is a picky eater. By using creativity, you can make ladybugs with tomatoes and olives, car-shaped meatballs, and make a car's wheel with small tomatoes for visual appeal. Rich menus are prepared.

When bringing the food to the table, vegetables are brought first, then the protein food, and lastly the carbohydrate food (pasta). It should not be forced to be fed insistently. Because it may not eat as a reaction. If there is no serious nutritional deficiency or developmental delay, if it seems energetic, it will be enough. It means eating. Mothers should not worry. They should be patient and flexible. Because as the child grows, he will stop choosing food.

Daily menu example for 18-24 month old children:


  • 2/3 glass of milk (120ml)
  • 1 egg or a matchbox of cheese
  • 2-3 olives (pitted)
  • 1 thin slice of multigrain bread
  • A few slices of tomato or cucumber (in season


  • 2-3 tablespoons of minced meat and vegetable dish
  • 2 tablespoons of rice or pasta
  • 2 tablespoons of yoghurt (homemade)


  • 1 bowl of yoghurt (150ml)
  • 1 small fruit or 1 slice of home-made cake


  • 2-3 grilled meatballs
  • 1 bowl of soup
  • ½ slice of multigrain bread


  • Breast milk

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