Traffic-related Air Pollution and Pregnancy

The pregnancy period has a special place in every woman's life. In this process, precautions are taken at every moment of life, including nutrition.

For a healthier pregnancy, vitamin supplements are used, a healthy diet is followed, new exercise habits are adopted, and of course, regular examinations are made by gynecologists and obstetricians. All details about the baby's development are learned.

Environmental factors that cannot be intervened except for situations under the expectant mother's control may, from time to time, put the health of both the expectant mother and the baby at risk. Scientific studies show that air pollution can pose a serious danger to the health of expectant mothers and their babies.

Traffic Sourced Air Pollution Increases the Risk of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

December 2019 A report announced by the "National Toxicology Program" in 2018 reveals that traffic-related air pollution increases the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Researcher Brandy Beverly, who took part in the study, stated that the risk of high blood pressure increases by 50% in women who are exposed to traffic-related air pollution during their pregnancy.

Traffic-related air pollution is caused by the burning of fossil fuels by vehicles. As a result of the chemical process that creates a breathable mixture, both solid and liquid substances are released into the atmosphere. Traffic-related air pollution, which has been known to pose a risk for cardiovascular diseases in the past, threatens the health of women, especially those who live on main streets and are constantly exposed to traffic-related air pollution throughout their pregnancy.

Vehicles that go to traffic and run on fossil fuels pollute the atmosphere. They emit particles, and these particles cause the clean air to be polluted and carried by the wind to different regions. Harmful particles that reach the lungs of people living in centers with heavy traffic threaten general health.

Babies Are Also Affected by Air Pollution

Babies of pregnant women who are exposed to long-term air pollution are also affected by air pollution. may be affected by this situation. mother's left The air it breathes and harmful particles in the air can leak into the placental barrier. Therefore, particles that can harm the baby's health and prevent its development may settle in this structure where the baby is housed and fed throughout the pregnancy period.

In addition to the risk of premature birth, the developmental processes of babies may also be damaged due to air pollution. Various precautions must be taken to avoid being affected by air pollution during this sensitive period when all the organs of babies are formed.

What Can Be Done to Protect from Air Pollution?

They are generally large and industrially developed. Air pollution, which threatens those living in cities, can become more dangerous for those who spend time on the streets. In order to reduce the effect of air pollution, which increases with the contribution of heating methods in addition to gases released from traffic;

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