Parenting is a very enjoyable yet difficult task that requires responsibility. Every parent wants their child to be healthy, happy and successful. At this point, the following question arises in the minds of parents; What method should I adopt when raising a child so that I can allow my child to be happy, healthy and successful? When should I say no to my child? When should I set boundaries? When should I comply with their wishes? These types of questions can sometimes leave parents helpless and cause confusion. Actually, the answer is hidden here. Being an effective parent…
Being an effective parent is about supporting the child's development in the best possible way and helping his personality development…
In fact, effective parenting depends on the child's structure, family It should be created by evaluating the structure, values and culture of the family, because these are structures that vary from family to family. The family's culture, values, and the child's temperament should be taken into account... therefore, parenting should be determined according to the child; It is very important to love the child unconditionally, not to break the framework of love and respect, not to impose your own thoughts and views on the child, and to respect the child's ideas and opinions...
Basha should not be compared to other children, the child should be accepted as he is...
Being tolerant and supportive;will allow the child to share the decisions he/she makes with you in every situation, to discover himself/herself, and to learn his/her mistakes and rights. In this way, it will be easier to create a safe and peaceful environment with your child, and you will make it easier for your child to trust and believe in you. Of course, while doing these, discipline and rules should not be forgotten.
It may be difficult for tolerant and supportive parents to apply rules and discipline in some cases. Applying these two to the appropriate degree is a situation that many parents have difficulty with. It is very important to be able to capture two boundaries. Thanks to rules and discipline, the child learns his limits, can distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, and it becomes easier to establish internal discipline within the family. Parents should determine the boundaries within the family for the child; It will give the impression of how reliable and peaceful the family system is, but also that it has a structure with limits. additional.
Independence and freedom should be supported… Children, especially in certain periods, want to be different and independent from their parents as they develop their skills. It is necessary to respect the child's independence and freedom and give him/her permission in accordance with his/her developmental period. It is necessary to give responsibilities appropriate to his development and allow him to make decisions. Thanks to this, they will be able to become self-sufficient individuals in the future.
Correct communication - active listening... The golden rule of being effective parents is to listen to the child, show that you understand him, in short, establish correct communication. Because when you listen carefully, spend time with your child, and respect his or her ideas, your child will become an individual with high self-esteem and self-worth. Research has shown that children who are not given the necessary attention, who are not listened to, who are not given time, have less self-confidence than other children and cannot express themselves in public. It is very important to listen to his needs and respond with compassion, and you will ensure that your child becomes an individual with high self-confidence in himself and his family in the future.
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