Genital Warts

What are genital warts?

Genital warts are lesions of different sizes, often raised from the surface, that occur in the anogenital region due to the human papilloma virus (HPV). It can often occur on the outer lips, around the anus, perineum, inside the vagina, and sometimes in the cervix.

What causes genital warts?

There are more than 200 types of HPV virus. Approximately 40 of these involve the genital system. Viruses number 6 and 11, which are in the low risk group and are among the viruses that affect the genital system, are responsible for the formation of 90% of genital warts.

How is it transmitted?

HPV virus is transmitted by contact with mucosa or skin. The main mode of transmission is sexual intercourse. Genital warts increase the possibility of transmission because they contain a high viral load. HPV virus can cause genital warts following an incubation period of 3 weeks to 8 months after infection.

What is the frequency of genital warts?

It is 0.5% in those who undergo genital examination. It varies between 5.1%. It is most common in sexually active young adults.

What are the risk factors?

The most important risk factor is being sexually active. Problems in the immune system are an important factor that increases the risk of warts forming and recurring. It is more common in HIV patients, those taking immunosuppressive drugs due to organ transplantation, and those with diabetes. One of the important risk factors is smoking. On the other hand, being circumcised reduces the risk of HPV transmission.

How is it diagnosed?

Usually, physical examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. Because the lesions have characteristic appearances. In rare cases, a biopsy may be required.

What is the treatment?

Treatment is decided according to the location, number and size of the lesions, whether there is pregnancy or not, and the patient's preference. Warts can be surgically removed, frozen, or burned with cautery. It can be treated with chemical agents such as podophyllin or trichloroacetic acid. On the other hand, regional immunity-boosting creams can be applied in appropriate cases.

How to protect from warts?

Basic principle g is a safe sexual life. Since the risk of transmission is high in cases where genital warts are present, sexual intercourse should be avoided until treatment is completed. However, warts do not need to be present for infection to occur. Condom use has limited protection against genital warts and HPV transmission. It is important to stay away from smoking, which is one of the modifiable risk factors. However, today, the most effective method is to administer HPV vaccines, which contain antibodies against type 6 and 11 viruses, which cause the majority of genital warts, in both women and men between the ages of 9-26.

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