When the body begins to take food, secretions begin to increase.
If there is diabetes in our family, we have our fasting blood sugar checked to check our own health, to see if there is a risk of diabetes. If it's normal, we'll be relieved. To those who ask, 'I had my fasting blood sugar checked, it's normal. We say, 'I don't have diabetes.' It should be mentioned briefly.
Until now, I have always told you about the insulin hormone. Here again, I will talk about the hormone insulin. When it comes to blood sugar regulation, it is impossible not to mention the insulin hormone. Because the main role in this job is the hormone insulin.
Food must always be present in the blood in constant amounts. Blood circulates throughout the body and releases nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. As you leave it, the amount of nutrients in it decreases. However, since it always has to have a constant amount of nutrients, it replenishes the missing nutrients from the nutrients that pass through the digestive tract when we eat it, or if it cannot find nutrients, it provides nutrient stability in the blood by removing nutrients from the tissues. There is also a group of hormones that work against insulin. These hormones are responsible for removing nutrients (sugar) from the tissues to the blood in order to maintain the blood nutrient balance in the absence of nutrients. If these hormones are secreted in normal amounts and in a balanced way, there will be no problem in the blood nutrient balance. The nutrients in the blood are in constant amounts at the values they should be.
If the insulin hormone is secreted unbalanced, this nutrient stability in the blood will be disrupted. At first, sugar in the blood becomes one surplus, many decreases. Since the insulin hormone works alone against the opposite hormones, the unbalanced oscillations in the insulin hormone affect the blood nutritional values a lot.
This is why fasting blood sugar is always normal. The body establishes the sugar balance with the coordinated work of insulin and opposite hormone groups.
When hungry, the body's secretions are at the minimum rate. It is necessary to control the minimum amount of insulin hormone. In other words, it is necessary to have the insulin hormone checked while hungry. Just checking your blood sugar is not enough. If insulin hormone If u is more than it should be despite no food is taken and blood sugar is normal, the quality of the insulin hormone is impaired, and it is called resistance to insulin. Because when insulin hormone is high, blood sugar should be low. But if it's not, if it's normal, it means we're dealing with insulin resistance.
When we start taking food, secretions in the body begin to increase. The body begins to secrete insulin hormone, saying 'food (sugar) is coming, values will rise'.
If fasting blood sugar was checked = Normal, fasting (basal) insulin was also checked = If normal, but don't sleep after eating, your hands when hungry If you have complaints such as tremor, irritability, concentration disorder, and headache, you should have the OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test), also called sugar loading test, which is the most definite risk of diabetes or not. If you tell your doctor about your complaints in a healthy way, you will get definite results.
To summarize; Whether there is a risk of diabetes or not can not be found only with fasting blood sugar control. Fasting blood insulin value should also be checked.
If the exact result cannot be achieved, the body's response to sugar can be measured by looking at the symptoms and having an OGTT. Because when food is taken, secretions occur. How the secretions are found with this test. If the secretions are normal, there is no risk, blood sugar and insulin are normal.
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