Expert Clinical Psychologist Ece ÖZÇALIŞKAN warned that the coronavirus epidemic may have a profound impact on people's mental health and behavioral disorders now and in the future.
Due to the loneliness and social isolation caused by the epidemic, anxiety disorder, depression and social isolation may occur in this period. He said that there may be an increase in the rates of problems such as introversion and that the existence of these problems may be more noticeable in our lives when we return to our normal lives in the future. In this period, we need to take precautions now against such problems that we risk experiencing in the future. He stated that it is entirely in our hands to turn these risks into opportunities or to be negatively affected.
Expert Clinical Psychologist Ece Özçalışkan continued her words about the deep effects of the coronavirus as follows:
“ During this process, most of the problems I encountered in my clinic in Izmir actually existed after the coronavirus and the Izmir earthquake and are now emerging. There were anxiety disorders and depression. "The earlier we as a society become aware of these problems in this process and seek the necessary support, the less impact they will have on human psychology in the future."
In order to take conscious precautions and manage this process in the best way, we must first accept the situation and take the necessary precautions and implement them. Taking the necessary precautions for ourselves, our family and loved ones also reduces our anxiety. Keeping strong family communication and turning this process into an opportunity and strengthening our ties with our family at home will reduce the problems that may occur in our social relationships, and sharing and being good to each other will keep problems such as depression away from our lives.
Making all these positive behaviors a habit will help us get through this transition period more easily. Turning a negative into a positive outcome is entirely within the individual.
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