Healthy, Young and Beautiful Life - Secrets of Visuality

We must emphasize these developments internally and externally. The body is a whole and we now know that the secret of a healthy, long life and appearance is possible by living it as a lifestyle. If we list this integrity:

1- Annual health checks according to age and missing Complementing the values, eating healthy, not carrying excess weight are the first priorities. Not eating too much or junk food. However, I would especially like to point out here that these should not be at a level that disrupts the continuity by spoiling the joy of life and creating stress. It should gradually become a lifestyle. Weight gained and lost quickly, excessive and One-way diets cause unhealthy skin, like every tissue.

2- Movement is a must for life. I am not talking about the strains that the body is not used to in gyms or closed environments. It will be a life habit, in a way that everyone will find in their daily lives, but we should definitely add a brisk movement habit to our lives for at least half an hour a day. Like walking outdoors, not driving as much as possible.

3- Being at peace with ourselves, raising our awareness, finding ways to remain calm in an active life. I think meditation helps a lot in this regard.


4-Being productive, setting achievable goals in life. Being aware that life is now.

The past is for gaining experience and learning lessons. People who are stuck in the past cannot develop and only become unhappy. Impossible goals and expectations for the future are truly the cause of unhappiness and premature aging. Evaluating today and being grateful with the awareness of what we have is the best medicine for life.


5-Social being, giving and receiving love. Being useful to others. Studies have shown that people who live longer are those who have high human relations.


6- Along with these, To ensure that the skin grows young and healthy with age-appropriate medical aesthetic applications from a young age. With a conscious follow-up from an early age, the body and face are affected by lifestyle, hormonal changes and stress. It is important to be protected from damage that may occur, etc.

 The oil imbalance that may occur at a young age can be overcome by skin cleaning, follow-up and product recommendations in a good place, without permanent damage to the skin.

 Thin vascular problems and spots on the skin can be prevented. Problems that disrupt skin health, such as cellulite and local fat, can be prevented by regular follow-up treatments.

As I stated at the beginning, a healthy long life is possible with a conscious lifestyle and internal and external equipment that starts from an early age.


 I wish you a healthy and joyful new year.


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