- What are your hobbies?
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
We often encounter questions in life.
- So, what is this hobby, that is, interest in Turkish, curiosity?
- What is it for and why do we, as human beings, need it?
- What happens if that doesn't happen?
I think at this point, it would be more accurate to talk about the concept of stress and burnout, which push us to need a hobby.
In the hustle and bustle of daily life and especially in business life. Stress is a very important issue in terms of its impact and consequences on our lives. Our stress level also increases with our various behavioral patterns, perception of life, competition or monotony in the business world, working environment, and decrease in job satisfaction.
Especially the tension that increases with the work done continues for a long time, causing us to decrease our productivity and causing communication problems. , begins to create emotional tension; If it settles into life, leaving a "we" that is tired, fed up, unable to enjoy anything and unable to cope with it, it also appears as burnout syndrome.
Being more sensitive to diseases than before, Symptoms such as sleep disorders, increasing headaches, going to work late or not wanting to go to work, tendency to quit work, problems at work or in relationships outside of work, increase in arguments at home, starting to feel worthless, lack of attention, quick anger, anxiety, hopelessness are experienced. in the syndrome. These symptoms are tiring and debilitating, and their course together with depression is quite common.
Burnout, which is more common in women between the ages of 30-35 and in men between the ages of 40-45, is common. One of the first suggestions against this is to find a way to relax, that is, to learn to spare quality time for ourselves. Some time for ourselves after work or on the weekends to relieve stress, perhaps even for just half an hour a day. Here we come to “Hobby”…
By the Turkish Language Association “A relaxing, entertaining occupation that is done with pleasure, outside of one's occupation, duty or profession.” The blessing called hobby is defined as. What are the possible hobbies? Taking photographs, painting, designing, etc. Working, painting wood or fabric, sewing, singing, doing theatre, collecting things, or perhaps a hobby that you will be the first to discover in the world...
The more ideas, the more. hobby. The hobbies we choose help us get to know ourselves, in addition to relaxing and taking care of ourselves. It motivates us towards life and increases our creativity.
- It must be a nice feeling to be able to achieve something, produce something outside of our work at home or outside the home and receive appreciation, right?
Taking photographs, for example...
- Think about how this hobby came into your life?
- What changed after you started it?
- What did you discover about yourself as you dealt with it?
- Why do you feel better than you did 3-4 years ago, although your hair is grayer and you are a few kg overweight?
- Are you aware of that? Do you go to work with a smile and more rested than you did 6 years ago?
How nice of you to say, "Oh, are you retired, but I have different pursuits than going to coffee shops or taking care of my grandchildren at home?" Your circle of friends must have also become richer, you have been introduced to different ideas and different worlds. So, you performed in your hobby, how happy you are. This must be what we put in effort and get rewarded for.
These are the right steps towards self-realization as humans, who tend to constantly develop.
Well, now let's look at ourselves from a little higher and from the outside.
- Do you get stressed while taking photographs?
- Do you feel the pressure of business life in this endeavor?
- Do you get angry when asked to get out of my frame?
- Understanding the model or your environment, Instead of living in the moment, are you competing and feeling nervous again? Do you wonder how you can capture good shots of the places you visit and stand out from other photographers?
- Have you started having stomach aches again because of your perfectionism that you always wanted to escape?
- Or can't you have fun while taking photos anymore?
- On this path you set out to nourish your soul, is your soul starting to run out?
It seems like our old behavioral patterns are taking over our hobby this time. It will give pleasure and str However, this would be an occupation that would distract from the past…
Then… After returning to the topic again, even though it is difficult, it seems that we should take the responsibility and alleviate the blame a little from our work lives and other factors that create stress. What do you think?
Let this be the subject of another article.
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