Acne and Pimples Caused by Exam Stress

Most students attach vital significance to the exam they will take. Negativities such as fear of failure, peer pressure, and lack of subject matter further aggravate the situation and cause intense anxiety. During this period, acne and pimples on the face, which young people do not like at all, are added to the situation, and exam stress can gain a disturbing dimension.

Stress hormones can trigger acne on the face, and this time the young person may start to dislike himself and experience low self-confidence. However, we can also observe some situations such as avoiding socialization. Of course, all of these can deeply affect young people who are already in adolescence psychologically and this situation can become a vicious circle.

In order to cope with stress and get rid of acne problems, students and families need to recognize this stress and know what they need to do to cope. It's extremely important. It is possible to get rid of acne problems by paying attention to some skin-related conditions and dealing with stress in a healthy way.


Young people who have acne problems during stress should first get support from a specialist. Issues such as paying attention to daily skin care, eating a balanced and regular diet, and sleep hygiene are among the issues that young people should pay attention to. In addition to all these, we would like to give importance to factors such as breathing exercises, sports, meditation, evening walks, relaxing activities and taking time for oneself in order to cope with stress. Because these will help the young person maintain his psychological health by mentally relaxing him. As he feels better psychologically, his acne problems will ease and his self-confidence will increase. With a positive mood, your self-perception and ability to cope with exam stress will strengthen. As a result, the performance of the young person will increase and his/her success rate in the exam will also increase.

It should not be forgotten that stress triggers acne problems and the negative effects of acne on psychological health and exam success, and you should definitely seek expert support on the subject without wasting time.


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