It is essential to be extremely careful when talking about basic structures. Learning and memory are almost the most basic structure of the mind. Every organization, from the most extreme spiritual belief to the most basic scientific structure, has endless things to say about learning; Because every word that is organized and brought together to make sense creates words, then sentences, and eventually meaningful ideas, and this is exactly what memory is. Saying there is no memory is self-destruction, and no organism can self-destruct. Suicide is a failed occurrence. It is definitely done with the help of a tool.
From this perspective, learning is a life skill. Like all basic mechanisms, it is simple and has yet to be fully grasped. We can never talk about memory independent of learning. The handicap maybe here. The issue is actually simple, there is perceptual memory, its capacity is unlimited, it can take everything, but everything is deleted within seconds. Then there is something called short-term memory, it is limited to units, it is called perception capacity plus or minus seven. The duration is certain, it is 30-40 seconds, it doesn't matter, you say 70-90 seconds, but it is limited and ends. There is also long-term memory.
The whole fight is about long-term memory, everyone accepts it, but it is not well understood in naming and functioning. For us Hypnotherapists, this part is more subconscious. And the gatekeeper at the passage here is the critical factor, the gatekeeper of the subconscious. This means that the information passing here is recorded. But which of the millions of stimuli will we choose and place in our long-term memory? That's the real question. The concepts of attention focusing and selective attention come into play at this point. Our prejudices, core beliefs, cat values, etc. Many things determine our selective attention, even if we focus as much as we wish. In other words, our conscious focus gets stuck in many obstacles.
Our long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity. At the very least, the memory capacity of the largest computer you can build is not as large as our long-term memory. And we can record to it almost unlimitedly. The issue seems to boil down to delivering information to this basic repository. Of course, there is also the problem of finding and returning information from this warehouse, but that is not the subject of this article.
Without social, cultural and therefore individual structures and obstacles, without hindering, If we are talking about the connection, at this point we know that we have to talk about the concept of subconscious. What prevents us from learning, that is, what prevents us from transferring information to our long-term memory and subconscious? Again, our own subconscious. At this point, our subconscious becomes the snake biting its own tail. Our subconscious begins to form from birth and is an ongoing formation. The same thing that is our most important guide may also be our most important obstacle. Our subconscious creates our knots. And the solutions have to be in our subconscious. In other words, in our long-term memory…
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