Colon cancer

How to Prevent Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer develops from the large intestine. The large intestine is a long organ that begins in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen and ends at the anus. The last part of the large intestine is called the rectum, and the cancer that develops from here is called rectal cancer. The most important risk factors for colon cancer are advanced age, genetic-familial factors and environmental factors such as diet. Colon cancer is a deadly cancer. It is seen with similar frequency in men and women and is one of the most common cancers in both sexes.

The treatment of colon cancer is as follows; surgical removal of the colon where the disease is located, and then completing the treatment with chemotherapy if needed according to the stage of the disease. In rectal cancer, it usually involves first radiotherapy and then surgical removal of the diseased rectal section. In some patients, permanent colostomy (bag) may be required depending on the location of the cancer.

How will we be protected from colon cancer?

To find the answer to this question, let's first look at the causes of colon cancer. While we cannot change some of these causes, such as familial effects and genetics, we can control some risk factors such as dietary effects. Colon cancers all develop from polyps. The development of the neoplastic (transforming into cancer) polyp and the development of cancer from it require a period of approximately 5-10 years. In other words, colon cancer does not develop in months, it needs years. For this reason, colonoscopy control and removal of polyps, if any, starting from the age of 50 are the basic steps of protection from colon cancer. The presence of blood in the stool may also be a marker for colon cancer. The majority of colon cancers do not have a familial link. Those who have colon cancer in their family, especially in their first-degree relatives, and also those whose relatives have these cancers before the age of 50 are at risk for colon cancer. People with a family history of colon cancer can be protected from colon cancer by having a colonoscopic control 10 years earlier than their first-degree relative with colon cancer at the youngest age. In genetic diseases such as FAP that cause colon polyps that turn into cancer, cancer development can be prevented by removing the large intestine. r.

Another reason for colon cancer is the insufficient consumption of fiber in the diet. Again, excessive consumption of red meat and processed meat (sausage, salami, sausage, etc.) can also cause colon cancer. For this reason, olive oil salad consumption, especially at lunch and dinner, is important to prevent colon cancer. Edible greens (fiber / fiber) trap carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer in the stool and reduce its contact with colon cells, creating a protective effect. Again, studies have shown that colon cancer develops less in people with regular daily calcium consumption.

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