Do You Experience Your Emotions in a Healthy and Authentic Way?

What did you do while everyone was improving themselves during the lockdown period? How did it make you feel to think that this process was a "gift" given to everyone? Do people who constantly post happy Instagram posts and whose lives are “perfect” make you feel inadequate?

It is generally considered a good thing to always see the positive and be optimistic. The ideal of most of us is to exercise regularly, eat healthy, be polite to everyone, and always show a smiling face. And of course there are people who can do this. We see it frequently on social media. Is the situation this good? What percentage of these people are truly happy?

Gaba (2021) uses the new term “toxic positivity” to represent the belief that it is best to focus on looking happy, optimistic and perfect, no matter how bad the situation is. But what if one actually rejects a negative situation and focuses on the positive? How healthy would that be? How healthy and realistic is it to see danger and negativity? Are you a toxic positivist? Evaluate yourself, here are the symptoms;

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