Infertility - Sterility

Infertility: The term infertility is used for treatable cases with or without triggers. If the couple does not become pregnant despite their desires after marriage, there is primary infertility, and if they do not have children after having a child once, there is secondary infertility. Infertility is not a disease but a finding with many causes.

In the fertile age, if couples do not have a child within 10-12 months despite their desire, infertility occurs.

60% of the causes of infertility. It belongs to women and 10% belongs to men. However, in approximately 40% of cases, both spouses are responsible. Although the causes of infertility in women are seen to be high, women's causes seem to be more common since the responsibility of pregnancy until pregnancy and birth belongs to the woman. In 10-15% of cases, there is no problem in either couple (unexplained infertility).

Male factor

The majority of cases require consultation with a Urologist.

Female factor

Female causes can be divided into two: hormonal and anatomical.

Hormonal causes: Whatever the reason, it ultimately causes ovulation disorder (Thyroid patients, Brain-related diseases, diseases related to the ovaries)

Anatomical causes:

The age factor is also of great importance in women. Ovulation functions decrease with each passing year, especially after the age of 30. Perhaps the most complex situation in the treatment of infertility is unexplained infertility. Because in cases where the cause is known, a treatment plan can be prepared for the cause and results can be achieved in a shorter time.

For couples applying with the wish to have children, a treatment plan is prepared after a detailed examination and evaluation. While preparing the treatment plan, couples are evaluated in two separate groups. The first group is the couples who are given ovulation regulator treatment or the insemination method under clinic conditions. The second group is the couples who need to apply directly to in vitro fertilization centers.

Infertility treatment is a long process that requires effort and patience. In this process, especially for women, stress factors have serious and negative effects on achieving success. Before starting treatment, couples should be informed about this issue and try to avoid stress as much as possible.

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