HPV Genital Wart is a sexual disease that can occur in all individuals, regardless of men and women.
HPV, that is, caused by Human Papilloma Virus Genital Warts are also referred to as Condyloma. This disease, which appears in the form of tiny bubbles in and around the genital areas of people, is not given much importance in its initial stages because it does not cause itching and pain.
Genital Wart sexually transmitted HPV ( It is the symptom of human papillomavirus) infection in the genital area. HPV and Genital Warts, one of the common ailments in men and women, can cause problems if not followed up and treated. It has dire consequences, such as oral cancer. Individuals who feel the symptoms of this condition or see warts forming in the genital area should contact a Urology Specialist without delay and be examined.
HPV and Genital Warts in Men is a condition that causes serious physical and psychological problems. First of all, the biggest problem of this disease for men is that it is difficult to detect in the early stages like in women.
HPV Infection can be seen in many men who continue their sexual life actively. Until genital warts occur and the situation manifests itself physically, most of the men notice the situation and do not go to the specialist doctor for examination. may be affected. Psychological disorders such as loss of self-confidence, unhappiness and introversion can be added to the physical problems. It is recommended to go to a specialist.
What is HPV Virus (H2)
HPV Virus or HPV Infection can be seen in all individuals regardless of men and women, sexually transmitted and a disease that causes warts in the genital area
About 50 of this virus, which has more than 200 species, causes the formation of HPV Genital Warts. The most common types of genital warts are known as HPV 6 and HPV 11.
More than half of people are exposed to HPV Virus at some point in their lives. Individuals with a sufficiently strong immune system suppress this virus and prevent any adverse events. It is the name given to warts that occur in the genital area due to HPV Infection, transmitted during pregnancy.
Genital Warts exist as light or dark brown bumps and spots on the skin in the area where they occur. Warts that can be seen as one can also occur more than once.
Genital Warts are not taken seriously at first, assuming it is flesh-and-tie. These warts, which cause itching over time, increase in volume and even cause bleeding during sexual intercourse, are taken into consideration after they reach this level and consult a specialist.
How HPV Virus Transmits (How Genital Warts Form) (H2)
The factors that cause HPV and Genital Warts formation and transmission in men include;
Sexual intercourse between people, (even if condom is used during vaginal and anal intercourse) It can be transmitted by skin contact in the genital area that it does not even cover)
Contacting a different person, even if the warts of the skin infected with HPV Virus are not visible,
Rarely, due to oral intercourse.
It can be shown when the HPV virus is passed from a mother-to-be to her baby during pregnancy
HPV Genital Wart can remain in a person's body for several months or even years without forming. In this process, the individual who is a carrier can transmit this disease to his partner through sexual intercourse.
Genital Wart when left untreated, it grows in size and multiplies around the area it is in. It should also be known that this disease may not be cured by kissing, the use of common towels - toilet - glasses.
HPV Genital Wart Symptoms (H2)
Genital Warts caused by HPV Virus are almost the size of a lentil on the skin, rough and blistered. These warts, which are skin-colored at first, may darken over time.
Symptoms of HPV Genital Warts include;
Skin structure with one or more blisters in the genital area,
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Pullous structures formed on the skin in skin color and resembling voluminous moles,
Lentil-sized warts that cause itching although they do not cause pain,
can be displayed.
In men HPV As a result of infection Genital Watts are among the body parts of the penis, testicles, anus , between the legs and in the groin can be shown.
Diagnostic Methods of HPV Genital Warts (H2)
As warts occur in and around the genital areas, medical professionals such as Urologist, Gynecologist or Dermatologist can be shown. Persons who reach competent physicians in the field are first examined by specialists.
Do not forget that the problem you are experiencing is Genital Warts caused by HPV Infection, only physicians and specialists qualified in this field can decide.
The expert physicians < Among the examinations they performed for the detection of strong>HPV Genital Wart;
Pap Smear Test
HPV DNA test
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Cervical Biopsy
is available.
As a result of the examinations and tests performed, HPV Genital If wart is detected, it is very important that you do not have sexual intercourse during your treatment process. This behavior is intended to prevent the spread of the disease.
Treatment Methods of HPV and Genital Warts (H2)
There is no accepted treatment technique for the infection in the body caused by the HPV Virus. However, Genital Warts caused by this virus can be destroyed.
Genital Wart Treatment aims to completely clean the surrounding tissues by destroying all existing warts. Use during HPV Genital Wart treatment Among the techniques mentioned, cream, cryotherapy, electrocauterization and surgical applications can be shown.
Using Cream: It is applied on the warts in the genital area as prescribed by the doctor and at intervals to burn these warts.
Cryotherapy: It is the freezing and dispersion of genital warts using liquid nitrogen. It is a method that does not require anesthesia.
Electrocauterization: It is the burning of warts in the genital area using electric current. If necessary, the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia and procedures are performed.
Surgical Treatment of Genital Warts (H3)
Genital Warts caused by HPV Virus can be treated surgically. During the procedures performed under anesthesia in this process, the warts are cleaned one by one with great care by the specialist doctor. While all the applied treatment techniques remove the warts, the carrier can continue for a long time.
Treatment of HPV Genital Warts in Men (H3)
Today, there is no test to scientifically prove the existence of HPV Virus-induced Genital Warts in men. These warts can be seen on the penis, testicles, around the anus and in the groin in men.
If men notice abnormal structures such as swelling, spotting, moles, warts on and around the penis, they should go to a specialist doctor without wasting time.
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