The Importance of Family in Choosing a Career

The basis for your child's happiness in the choices he makes in his business life is choosing a profession that best suits his personality. Moreover, research shows that one of the most important factors in children's career choice is families, that is, you. For this, you can help him get to know himself and the world of professions from an early age. Here are some tips for you:

Discover Your Child's Interests

Although it may change over time, such small clues are actually the first signs of what kind of work environment your child will be happy in...

Introduce Professions

First, start with the stories of yourself and your spouse. What paths have you taken so far, your education, what jobs you have worked in before?

You can talk about the experiences you had when you were your age and the people around you who guided you. If possible, take him to work one day, let him see your work environment, tell him how you spent a day at work and your responsibilities in an age-appropriate manner.

Are you not working?

Then talk about your roles and responsibilities at home. .

If there are professions your child is interested in, choose this profession. Introduce them to people who do business, and if possible, have them visit them at work. Talk to him about the areas of interest you have previously discovered with your child and the aspects of his skills that overlap with these jobs...

Let's say your child says he wants to be a doctor, and you say that he is a very careful child, cares about details, and listens to his friends and helps them. You can encourage your child by telling him that these skills will help him succeed as a doctor. However, on the other hand, when his brother was injured, he was so worried that you could hardly calm him down. In this case, he may say that he needs to be much more calm in order to become a doctor. You can take him to a doctor's appointment or introduce him to a doctor friend so that he can better decide whether he wants to do this.

You can help your child learn more about professions by having them do internships in various places or participate in volunteer activities in their spare time from an early age.

What Will Their Choices Cost?

When talking to your child about the professions he is interested in, talk about what kind of choices he will have to make for these professions. If he does not want to study at university and is interested in more technical fields, maybe he will need to attend a vocational high school or go to a conservatory for music education. 4 years of university education will not be enough to become a scientist, he should be ready for a long student life, maybe the department he wants is not available at the universities in your city, then He/she must get used to changing cities and living alone...

Be Open to Changes and Instabilities

Your child's choices will change over time with his friends, his education, his role models, his values, you and him. It will be affected and changed by many factors such as your family, guidance services, hobbies and even sad experiences. In this process, avoid being judgmental and suppressing your own truths. Always help him gain knowledge.

Success does not only mean high grades, an advanced university degree or a very good financial income, but doing what he loves in a positive work environment. Do not lose sight of how important it is for him to be there, set your expectations in line with his wishes and needs, not your own.

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