1- Breast milk
Breast milk benefits both active and passive immunity. If possible, babies should be breastfed for two years, but its effect on the immune system decreases in the second year.
2-Gradually decreasing sterilization
It is appropriate to completely sterilize the environment for the first 3 months and not to allow sick people close to the child. Because during this period, the child's unique immune system is not ready, and the transmitted infections can be prevented. It passes slowly. The most important resistance is the antibodies passed on from the mother. Then, it is beneficial to gradually reduce sterilization. Children should be taken out to fresh air every day from 6 weeks onwards.
3-Intake of plant-based foods and a balanced diet
When seasonal and possible Organic vegetables and fruits should be consumed as much as possible. If the intake of fruits and vegetables is not sufficient, vitamin supplements should be given. In addition, junk food should be avoided and white sugar, which is the enemy of the immune system, should be avoided. In addition, fermented foods such as yoghurt should be started early to strengthen the intestinal flora and immune system.
4-Avoiding antibiotics as much as possible
Antibiotics should not be used unnecessarily, they can only be used in bacterial infections.
5-Supplementation with probiotics
Studies show that regular use of probiotics may be protective during periods when upper respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections are very intense.
6-Vaccination is important
If we expect our children to acquire natural immunity by experiencing many childhood diseases, we will also accept the undesirable risks such as pneumonia, meningitis and ear infection, and infertility, which may come with it. By vaccinating, we will be saved from both diseases and their risks.
7 -Do not use too many chemicals at home.
Natural cleaners such as soap should be preferred and strong products such as bleach should not be used. Moreover, excessive hygiene can lead to bacterial resistance and play a role in the development of allergies.
8-Avoiding overprotection of children
In a very protected, very sterile environment, never brought close to sick people. Growing children become sick more often and are more likely to develop allergies and asthma. Room temperature should not exceed 21 degrees and they should not be accustomed to overdressing.
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