Tendinopathies refer to a disease or disorder of a tendon. It is a type of injury that affects the wrist tendons. Most of the time, tendinopathy is defined as an umbrella term to provide all the conditions of the tendon. However, in some cases it describes a chronic tendon condition that cannot be healed. This situation usually occurs in athletes. However, it is known that it is a common condition in elderly people. Among its symptoms, there are situations such as experiencing pain while performing certain movements, feeling stiffness in the morning, and local tenderness.
The areas of pain should be examined and the treatment method should be determined according to the result. During the examination, detailed information is obtained so that the most appropriate method for the patient's condition is revealed. The problem may occur differently in each patient and the symptoms may manifest themselves differently. Therefore, every detail must be taken into account.
Tennis and Golfer's Elbow
What is tennis and golfer's elbow? Tennis elbow is a painful condition that occurs where the muscle and tendon on the outside of the elbow attach to the bone. In this problem, it is seen that there is a weakening at the tendon attachment site. Especially in cases where the muscle is moved, it causes a lot of pain. It is known that it is a problem that can occur in all age ranges, especially those who play tennis frequently.
Golfer's elbow is defined as the occurrence of pain and tenderness in the bony prominence on the inside of the elbow. The tendons of the muscles used during wrist flexion adhere to the medial epicondyle. Thus, the overuse of these muscles causes the person to experience discomfort. When the muscles here are used excessively, the tendons are exposed to tensile forces in the area where they are attached. As a result, a burning sensation and ruptures occur in the tendons. As a result, it causes the person to experience a lot of pain. It is a more common problem between the ages of 20 and 50.
Heel Spur
Heel spur is defined as a calcium deposit that occurs between the heel bone and the sole of the foot. It usually starts in front of the heel and goes away. It spreads to the entire foot. It cannot be seen due to its very small size. In some cases, it can be difficult to diagnose. It can be caused by walking, running or jumping on a hard surface, but it can also be caused by stress. It can also be defined as a pointed growth on the heel bone and can be seen on X-ray. It can sometimes be caused by another underlying health problem, and sometimes it can occur independently. It can also occur due to a blow to the heel or due to diabetes. It is also known that it is more common in women. Symptoms include inflammation and swelling in the front of the heel, increased temperature around it, a tiny protrusion under the heel, and difficulty walking with bare feet. However, it does not cause any symptoms in some people and is noticed randomly. The symptoms and cause of each individual may be different. The cause is tried to be found and a treatment method is created accordingly.
Calcific Tendinitis
Calcific tendinitis is caused by calcium deposition in the area where the tendons attach to the bone. Calcium accumulation found here can be seen by X-ray. When calcium builds up in the tendon, pressure builds up and causes pain. It can cause quite intense shoulder pain. The most obvious and frequent symptom is shoulder pain, and this pain usually occurs at night. In addition, these pains restrict the mobility and allow the muscles to weaken and become weak for this reason. First of all, drug treatment etc. for calcific tendinitis. non-surgical methods are used. However, if there is no decrease despite this, it is seen that surgical methods are used.
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