These are also called core exercises. In other words, the core part of the body, the main part in the middle; In a way, exercises that strengthen the body. Gases in the organs inside the body, that is, our lungs and intestines; It is surrounded by large muscle groups, like a very solid-walled balloon. This middle region forms the basis of many of our movements.
Abdominal muscles in the front, waist muscles in the back; They work to support each other. It is very important that their mutual strengths are skillfully balanced. Making one of them weaker than the other through surgery, as well as making one stronger than the other through unplanned exercises, disrupts this balance. That's why core exercises should form the basis of all personal exercise plans.
Of course. Would you like an example: Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, boxing... When these sports ceased to be activities done among friends for fun and moved to a professional level; In other words, when sometimes the coach's ambition and sometimes the team's shareholders' greed for profit come into play, they cease to be sports anymore...
These activities, which we can call demonstration sports, can also be called arena sports. After all, these matches are no different from having gladiators fight in the arena in ancient Rome. There is no one who engages in these sports professionally and escapes physical damage, health damage, or injury.
Pain in the hip, pain in the calf, pain in the knee, pain in the sole of the foot, shoulder pain, arm pain, numbness in the hands, headache, lower back pain, numbness around the mouth, stiff neck, back pain, pain down the arm, burning on the side of the hip... All these and similar complaints are sometimes caused by some diseases in the area where the complaint occurs; Sometimes it may be due to a number of diseases far away from the area where the complaint occurs.
Exercises for people with any health problem, especially a significant spine problem, should be planned specifically for them. In fact, today everyone's exercise can be planned individually. Because, as a result of the increasing number of physiotherapy schools, physical education and sports departments in our country, well-educated sports coaches who graduated from these schools are available. Everyone can now access...
While planning exercises suitable for the individual; First, it should be learned whether there are any heart disease, lung problems and similar diseases that may worsen with exercises. Then, if there are disadvantages such as flat feet, curvature of the spine, loss of flexibility in the hind leg muscles, and lack of strength in the abdominal muscles, these should be eliminated.
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