Heroin Addiction and Treatment

Heroin is produced from the base morphine and is a drug with a much stronger effect than morphine. Among users, it is called cheese, powder, corex. It is in brown powder form. It is used by snorting, in cigarettes, on foil and intravenously. Addiction may develop within 1-2 weeks following use. When it is first used, it has a relaxing and enjoyable effect. Over time, it begins to be used in larger amounts to achieve the same effect. This is called tolerance in medicine. When used, the person experiences slowness in movements, tendency to sleep, and calmness. With long-term use, serious clima loss, loss of interest in social activities, and decreased self-care occur. The person begins to lie, to hide substance use or to obtain the substance. Behavioral changes develop, he/she begins to be unable to fulfill his responsibilities, and his job performance decreases. Material losses increase. A person using heroin experiences severe withdrawal symptoms when he or she does not use the substance after a while. Pain in the waist and joints, insomnia, irritability, hot and cold flashes, insomnia, nausea and vomiting occur. There may be flu-like symptoms such as runny nose and watery eyes.

Treatment part: The ideal treatment for heroin addiction is hospitalization. The patient is given inpatient detoxification treatment and withdrawal symptoms are corrected.

There are three different drug treatments;

1. Implant, pellet, chip: used after purification. Contains naltrexone. Naltrexone blocks the areas in the brain where heroin goes. It reduces the desire for heroin and at the same time does not allow it to have an effect in cases where it is used, or to get high, as patients call it.

2. It contains buprenorphine and is taken to quit heroin or to prevent heroin use again. Long-term use causes addiction.

3. Needle treatment is in the form of injections with an effect period of 3 and 6 months. There is no need for a surgical procedure.

Drugs and preventive treatments are important in the treatment of an addicted patient. But it is also important to change your lifestyle. One should stay away from substance-using environments and people who use substances. Unfortunately, if an individual with heroin addiction is in a drug environment, the risk of starting to use again is high.

The problem in addiction treatment is not just quitting the substance. The most important thing is not to return to matter again. That's why it's important to change your lifestyle.

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