Varicocele is a disease that occurs when the veins around the testicles expand and the blood flows backwards. It occurs in approximately 10% of men, most often on the left side. Patients report to the physician either for pain or for having children. They apply with the complaint of infertility.

Reasons for infertility:

1-Causes temperature increase in the testicles

2-Decrease in the oxygen rate of the testicle as a result of blood stagnation

3- Increase in some toxic substances in the blood and this affecting sperm production

DIAGNOSIS: Enlarged veins can be manually examined during an outpatient physical examination, or diagnosed with scrotal Doppler USG.

TREATMENT: The outstanding treatment of the disease is the ligation of dilated veins using microsurgical method. The surgery takes approximately 30-40 minutes. Anesthesia can be general or spinal. The patient is discharged on the same day or the next day.

COMLICATIONS: Complications such as recurrence, hydrocele, wound infection may be observed in very few patients.

RESULT: Positive results of the surgery within 6 months. Drug treatment can also be started for patients with severe decreased mobility. The success rate of the surgery is 70%, and the most positive results in male infertility are obtained with varicocele treatment.

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