Tooth Fractures in Children and Emergency Measures!

Children often fall or crash, and as a result, they damage their front teeth and encounter problems that will disturb them for years and require frequent visits to the dentist. A simple mouthpiece prepared by your dentist prevents the damage caused by trauma to the lower part of the face. Especially in children who do sports such as football, boxing, skiing, basketball, baseball, cycling, rollerblade, surfing and skateboarding, dental traumas, fractures, lip and tongue biting and tears are prevented as a result of the cushion effect of a silicone transparent mouthpiece attached to the upper jaw teeth.

The most common of these injuries are dental injuries. The tooth of a child who does not have a mouth guard and is hit on his front teeth will either be completely thrown out or broken, or the pulp, which is the living part of the tooth, will be damaged to varying degrees, depending on the force of the blow. If this damage causes the death of the pulp, the color of the tooth becomes distorted and a color ranging from light brown to dark gray occurs.

Please protect the dental health of your child, especially those who do sports, with a mouthguard prepared by your dentist.


If the front tooth is completely knocked out:

Put the tooth between a clean gauze and wet it with saliva and go to your dentist immediately. If you cannot reach your dentist immediately, wet the gauze with physiological saline from the pharmacy and try to reach your dentist as soon as possible. Ideally, treatment should be started within 1 hour. If the conditions are suitable, your dentist will replace the protruding tooth (reimplantation).

If one or more of your front teeth are broken:

Try to find the broken parts and contact your dentist immediately. It is important to keep the parts moist during this time. Physiological saline or even saliva is ideal for this. These parts are glued into place with very strong agents (bonding) and they become more aesthetic and durable than any filling.


There are two steps to be done. There are:

1. If the broken part is small, a white (composite) filling of the same color and form as the tooth or done. Composite fillings have limited intraoral durability. They change color by being dyed with foods such as tea, coffee and cola. These need to be renewed at certain intervals depending on eating habits and oral hygiene.

2. If the fracture is large and covers half or more of the tooth, Porcelain Laminate Veneers are applied to people older than 17 years of age. Porcelain Laminate Veneers are both very durable and very aesthetic. They can be explained as porcelain leaves that adhere to the front surface of the tooth and cover the broken part.

It is not correct to apply Porcelain Laminate Veneers in people under the age of 17, since their tooth and jaw development is not completed. Composite laminates are made covering the entire front surface of the tooth and the broken part. However, there are problems arising from the material, they may need to be renewed after a while as they will become discolored.


A detailed examination should be performed by the dentist and An x-ray should be taken from the relevant area. Even if there are no findings after the examination and x-ray, periapical x-rays are taken again at regular intervals and compared with old films. The purpose here is to determine whether there is a long-term problem in the living part of the tooth. The tooth loses its vitality by changing color even after years. If such a situation is detected, root canal treatment is applied to prevent complications that may lead to tooth loss.

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