Birth can be defined as the baby being born vaginally, which is the mother's natural opening (vaginal birth), or being delivered from there by making an incision in the lower abdomen (birth by cesarean section).
Normal birth, between the 37th and 42nd weeks. It is the birth of the baby alive vaginally, which enters the birth path with its head, with spontaneous uterine contractions, without harming the mother and the baby. If an abnormal situation occurs during the vaginal birth process, such as the baby not progressing in the birth canal, excessive bleeding, the baby experiencing distress due to decreased heartbeat, the baby's water being thick with meconium; For the well-being of the baby and the mother, having a cesarean birth would be an appropriate decision.
The average pregnancy period is 280 days or 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period. 37-42. Births that take place between weeks and weeks are called term births.
Symptoms indicating that labor has begun; pain, bleeding (spotting) and water breaking. Irregular pains that occur intermittently in the last months of pregnancy and decrease with rest and use of painkillers are called false labor pains. False labor pains are often accompanied by groin pain. These pains do not indicate that labor has begun. Real labor pains are regular uterine contractions that increase in frequency and severity over time and do not decrease with rest and use of painkillers. When the abdomen is touched, it is noticed that it is quite hard. Waist and back pain often accompany labor pains. Sometimes bleeding and water breaking may occur along with labor pains.
When bleeding and water breaking occur without pain, a doctor should be consulted without waiting for pain. Abundant discharge from the mother may be confused with water breaking. The flow of water is usually large enough to reach the knees or lower and is fluid like water. But in pregnant women with low water intake, it may be in the form of a small amount of fluid. Discharge is a condition that usually wets the underwear, is not as fluid as water, and is not continuous. However, a doctor should be consulted when it is not possible to distinguish whether discharge or water.
When you suspect that labor has started, you should go to the hospital. Your doctor will tell you whether labor has started or not when he examines you. Born If the um process has not started, it is recommended that you return home. If labor has started, you may be hospitalized, or if you are in the early stages of the labor process, you will be sent home to suffer these early pains at home and you may be called for examination again after a certain period of time.
After birth regular pains begin, it takes an average of 12-13 hours for first births. In second and higher births, it takes an average of 7-8 hours.
After the birth of the baby, the uterus continues to contract. With these contractions, the baby's partner (placenta) leaves the uterus. After the placenta separates, bleeding in the birth tract and uterus is checked. The mother, who is not bleeding and is in good physical condition, is taken to her room. After being observed in his room for 12-24 hours, his discharge may be deemed appropriate by the doctor. For cesarean sections, this period can be determined as 24-48 hours.
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