Speech Disorders and Stuttering

Causes of speech disorders:

*Hearing problems

*Mental retardation (intelligence and developmental delay)

*Psychiatric disorders

1.Pervasive developmental disorders (e.g. autism)


3.Phonological disorders (e.g. articulation disorders) .)

4.Attention deficit disorders

5.Specific learning disabilities

6.Language delays

*Expressive language delay( problems using language)

*Mixed language delays

Can stuttering or slurred speech be normal in certain situations?

Repetitions can normally be seen until the age of 4-5. It is necessary to distinguish between these innocent repetitions and stuttering. The pressure and expectations of the environment and the concentration of the family's attention on the child's speech are effective in turning this normal fluency defect in children into stuttering.

What are the situations that increase stuttering?

In various situations that can increase anxiety, for example, when trying to say something important, saying a name, speaking to an important person or a large audience, or when the child is trying to complete the task in a hurry due to lack of time. Stuttering behavior can be reinforced.

Stuttering often occurs with a genetic predisposition. It is more common in men. Generally, speech delays or stuttering that continue in the father himself and his relatives or that were seen in his childhood are common.

There is a common, false belief among the public that various fearful situations cause stuttering. However, these fearful situations may trigger the onset or aggravation of stuttering in individuals with a possible predisposition.

What is done in the treatment of stuttering?

In the treatment of stuttering, first of all, the severity of stuttering or stuttering behavior, age, duration, reinforcing factors, etc. It should be evaluated. The presence of various anxiety disorders and impairment in functionality that may develop over time due to this behavior (e.g. moving away from friends, not speaking up in class, and decrease in self-confidence, etc.) are investigated. In addition to speech treatment, such psychiatric findings and disorders that may accompany this condition are also investigated. needs to be addressed in treatment Various drug treatments can be used to reduce anxiety. Speech therapies, especially breathing exercises and focusing on the correct pronunciation of letters and words, are applied.

Recommendations for parents

*Do not describe mild speech disabilities such as startle, stiffness, repetition or prolongation seen in some children as stuttering, and do not describe your child as a stutterer. Because if you call him/her a stutterer, he/she will start to see himself/herself as a stutterer. However, if it is not described as such, the child will spontaneously go through this stage without any danger.

*Do not be overly careful about the child's speech.

*Listen calmly while the child is talking. When he wants to say something, give him enough time to say it without rushing. Do not interrupt his speech. Do not help him when he is held back.

*Never give warnings to the child such as "stop, don't rush, start again, take a deep breath first." Look at the child's eyes instead.

*Avoid strict discipline. Do not use mocking as a tool of discipline.

*Do not talk about the child's flaws in front of the child.

*In cases of advanced stuttering, the child is at his worst. Determine the situations and conditions in which he is less surprised and can speak freely and make him talk in these situations and conditions.

*Do not threaten or punish him when he speaks incorrectly or is held back.

*Do not force him to talk when he is tired and excited. .

*Do not force him to speak fast when he speaks slowly.

*If your child is aware of the problem, you can clarify it in this regard by telling him that he makes some repetitions, startles, and stiffness while speaking at appropriate times, but these are not important. Tell them that it is possible to get rid of them and that similar situations are seen in everyone.

*Help the child develop a good, positive attitude towards himself. Your child, who sees himself as worthless because of his stuttering, cannot easily overcome this obstacle. The good qualities that the child has are revealed. should be removed.

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