Mastitis is a benign breast disease. It is a chronic inflammation of the breast of unknown cause. However, it is difficult to distinguish it from breast cancer clinically and radiologically. In the diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis, cancer and tuberculosis must be distinguished first. It can be confused with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. openings
*Swelling and edema in the breast and skin
*Sometimes palpable mass
It is tried to be treated by wrapping the abscess and draining the abscess. If this does not improve with the first treatments, a biopsy must be taken.
The diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis is made by excluding some possible diseases. These are tuberculosis, fungal infections, sarcoidosis and foreign bodies. Tuberculous mastitis must be considered. Biopsy typically shows granulomas and inflammatory cells in the lobules without bacteria. Sometimes bacteria can be involved in the event secondary to infectious mastitis and abscess.
Another condition that should be excluded is inflammatory breast cancer. Breast biopsy, including the skin, should be differentiated. The treatment is drug therapy. Rarely, surgical treatment is required.
A long, careful and experienced follow-up and treatment process may be necessary. It is very important that the patient and the physician agree and understand each other.
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