It is a situation where the man ejaculates late even though he does not want there to be a delay in ejaculation. It is a rare sexual dysfunction that is characterized by a significant delay in ejaculation into the vagina in every sexual activity with a partner, or a significant infrequency or absence of ejaculation into the vagina, lasting for about six months.
1)Fear of giving up control
2)Due to his upbringing, he masturbated during adolescence with the feeling of shame, sin and guilt
3)He is at peace with his sexual organs and body image. not having an oppressive partner
5)Fear of getting pregnant
6)Perfectionist personality structure
7)Past traumatic events events
8)Penis size obsession
9)False exaggerated sexual information
10)Relationship problems with partner
According to some studies, late It is emphasized that ejaculation is caused by an unconscious fear of castration.
Men who ejaculate late hold themselves back and exercise excessive control. They are people who look at themselves negatively with excessive control and are focused on sexual performance and success.
Delayed ejaculation occurs in three ways;
1) Absence (during masturbation, sleep and sexual activity)
2) Partial ejaculation (occurring during masturbation but not during sexual intercourse)
3) In the form of ejaculation seen as a result of a very long stimulation .
Treatment of delayed ejaculation is more complex and longer-lasting than other sexual dysfunctions. In addition, for treatment, it is mandatory for the man to have a partner with whom he can have a regular sexual life.
Delayed ejaculation problem. Situations that can be recommended to a man who is experiencing this problem during the treatment process are; )Increasing eroticism in foreplay.
4)Getting rid of the obsession of trying to make your partner happy. (Being selfish in bed, focusing on pleasure)
5) Gradually masturbating next to his first partner is one of the reasons for this. r turning it into a game. Afterwards, he asks his partner for help (partnerbation) and then tries to ejaculate inside the vagina.
6)Tells his partner about his sexual fantasies, making strong erotic sentences
7)He removes ejaculation from being an obsession during sexual intercourse, and makes love. Trying to enjoy every moment of it .
If there is no ejaculation, it is likely due to a physical condition. It needs to be examined by a urologist.
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