Nutrition, which is a mandatory requirement for every living thing to survive, is defined as the adequate and balanced consumption of nutrients in processes such as growth, development and reproduction in humans. Healthy nutrition means taking sufficient and balanced amounts of macro and micronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water) necessary for the cells that make up our body to function properly and regularly. Deficiency or unbalanced use of these nutrients can cause many health problems.
Our body needs all nutrients. Therefore, it is wrong to eat one-sidedly (eating only carbohydrates or only fat) or to eat very low calories, which is very popular on social media or around you. People obtain their energy from macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There are daily intake levels of these nutrients according to a person's gender, height, weight, exercise and any disease. In addition, the daily calorie level calculated with all these factors is very important for us. Each individual has energy needs specific to their own body needs. Healthy nutrition means being personalized and taking quality food in the right portions.
Healthy nutrition consists of consuming all food groups in ideal portions in one meal. Too little or too much of it causes your health quality to deteriorate and various diseases to occur. The most common of these is "Obesity", that is, being overweight. According to the World Health Organization's 2018 data, Turkey has become the most obese country in Europe. It is recorded as the 27th obese country in the world rankings. You can take steps for a healthier life by changing the eating habits of yourself and those around you, as obesity has become a problem all over the world. Remember, healthy nutrition improves your quality of life and keeps your body and mind healthy.
Edema is swelling that occurs as a result of intracellular fluid coming out of the cell and collecting water between the tissues and under the skin. . Contrary to popular belief, edema does not occur because there is too much water in the body. This shows that water retention in the body is high due to low water need. The body prefers to store water consumed less than it should during the day in order to use it. One of the biggest reasons for the differences in weight between morning and evening during the day is edema. Edema is most commonly seen in the hands, arms, face, legs and feet.
There are many reasons for edema formation. The first thing I want to talk about is the mistakes made in nutrition. Especially excessive salt consumption causes excessive edema in the body. According to research, 1 gram of extra salt consumption retains 200 ml of water in the body. According to the World Health Organization, a person's daily salt requirement is 5 grams. This measurement corresponds to approximately 1 teaspoon of salt. Other factors of edema formation are a sedentary lifestyle, insufficient water consumption, alcohol consumption, consumption of acidic beverages, consumption of caffeinated beverages (tea and coffee), state of stress, sleep disorders, standing for long periods of time, excessive fatigue and edema as a result of seasonal changes. may occur.
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