Psychology covers human behavior, mental processes and their underlying causes

. It affects the way people make sense of and interpret events, their reactions to events now and

later, their human relationships, their lifestyles and


The person we see in the mirror every morning. to look at us a little cheesy or bright this morning

to make our coffee taste better or worse, to say good morning with a big smile when we meet our neighbor at the door

>Or what determines us to look for different meanings in their looks and find them repulsive? Our mood

is closely related to everything, from our daily life to our professional life, from our relationships to our attitudes

. “Why did I sulk at my colleague? I'm actually nervous about the project I have to finish.” While questioning ourselves, we can sometimes catch moments when our mood is reflected in our behavior. Sometimes, these processes

become so automatic in our behavior that it becomes impossible to notice them without directing our attention

. Nutrition is one of the areas where these processes are most frequently observed.

None of us questions ourselves before eating in the daily flow of our lives. Eating is a vital and pleasurable action. For this reason

the motto of many of us is "We should eat that food whenever we want". We take this as a principle and never question it until it reaches the final stage. The last point I am expressing here may be a belly that overflows our bikini in the summer for some of us

and a body that is so oily that it makes it difficult for us to breathe

for others. Whatever our peak, we need to start questioning our eating behaviors at this moment. When sitting at the table

do we really sit with physiological hunger, or do we eat to feel better,

to relax?

Our moods are very effective in our eating behavior and the weight we gain.

We may unknowingly turn to eating behavior when we are sad, angry, stressed, or when we want to feel happy.

This process has become so automated that physiological hunger We cannot separate our consciousness from our emotional hunger. The result?

We accept the nutrients that we do not need for our body, which is actually full, as a burden for our emotions that need to be satisfied.

In this process, it leads us to the inevitable end

. When we start dieting as a solution to our increasing weight, our emotional eating begins to force us with junk food figures that run around in the form of "Eat me, you must eat, you can't be happy if you don't."

in our mood swings. This system, which works with a mechanism that is difficult to resist

causes motivation problems,

triggers the feeling of failure, and negatively affects our diet process and self-perception.

Our psychology affects our entire lives. If we can become aware that it deeply affects our eating habits

we can more easily prevent hunger attacks that may occur during our emotional fluctuations

. We are a whole with our emotions,

behaviors and body. We should know that when one of this whole is damaged, our other parts will automatically be affected by the process. Remember,

Do not starve your soul while feeding your body.

With love,

Psychologist Melisa Yener

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