Experiencing death and its pain is different for everyone, which they give meaning to through personal experience. But there is one common denominator in all deaths, and that is that it is difficult, even very difficult...
It is difficult to know that your body is never coming back, but it is difficult to get over the grief of death. even more difficult...
Apart from physical loss, death can be a spiritual, emotional and even vital loss for our own lives, depending on the closeness of the lost one.
So how can we cope with this difficult situation? strong>
Experiencing the mourning period for an average of 3 months can be considered normal. Experiences after 3 months may cause unwanted problems for the person.
Here are some of them;
- Suicidal thoughts
- Alcohol and substance use
- Feeling empty or numbness , inability to continue daily life...
If such problems continue for 1 month without interruption, it may be necessary to seek help. Because the mourning process can cause permanent damage to some people. .
Ways of Coping;
1. Even though it is difficult, it is necessary to accept the truth within a healthy thought system.
2.Sharing reduces pain.Emotion. and share your thoughts.
3. Make sure that your routine continues after the mourning period.
4. Avoid extreme changes in your nutrition and sleep patterns.
5. Remember positive memories instead of negative situations.
6. An activity (sport or art) has a healing effect. Make it a habit. Remember that it is a personal experience. Some may cry while others may feel numb. Do not add sadness to our sadness by thinking of these situations as if you are experiencing very abnormal things.
9. If you do not want to feel physically lost, maintain the bond between you in a different way. For example, by planting a flower, you will not break the bond. This will be good for you.
10.Die Denying your life and isolating yourself will prolong the mourning process. Don't do this!
And finally, since the phenomenon of death is universal and existential, don't forget the fact that everyone will die one day. Even though it is forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life, death exists and is real.
Death is a very heavy blow. Hoping that we will not be crushed under this heavy blow...
In memory of my brother-in-law Ramazan...
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