Fever in Children
Fever can be seen as an early warning system indicating that an abnormal condition is developing in the child. In fact, fire itself is not harmful. Fever is a sign that the body is fighting infection, and high fever aims to slow down the proliferation of microorganisms trying to multiply in the body.
Most people's body temperature changes very slightly throughout the day. It is slightly lower in the morning and slightly higher in the evening. There is a center in the brain that acts as a thermostat, that is, keeps the body temperature around 37 C. This center sends signals to keep body temperature constant; It sends signals that cause shivering when the temperature drops too low and sweating when it gets too high. Therefore, the fever often rises with chills, and when it falls, sweating occurs.
What are the Causes of Fever?
Fever is not a disease in itself. It is usually a symptom of another problem.
Causes of fever:
Infections: Cold, flu and other upper respiratory tract infections, chickenpox, measles, rubella and mumps. Diseases such as, Ear and throat infections such as otitis media or tonsillitis, Urinary tract infections, Lung infection, Meningitis
Overdressing or wrapping the child tightly: Especially when babies are hugged and swaddled too tightly, their body temperatures rise.
Vaccinations: They generally cause low-level temperature increases.
Tooth. subtraction: Usually body temperature does not go above 37.8 C
Measuring your child's body temperature
Several ways to take a child's temperature has. Each method measures your child's temperature differently, and results may vary depending on the type of thermometer you use. Different methods include:
Infrared forehead thermometer,
Axillary or sublingual digital or mercury thermometer,
Eardrum (tympanic) thermometer
Some thermometers are better suited for certain age groups, so always follow the manufacturer's instructions to get an accurate reading. � you should read and follow.
When Is Fever Dangerous in Children?
Fever may rise or fall slightly during the day. In general, in healthy children, the body temperature is slightly lower in the morning and rises slightly towards the evening. High body temperature does not always mean that it is a very dangerous disease. Even simple colds and other viral infections may cause fever of 39.0 -40.0 0C. On the contrary, in young children, especially infants (children under one year old), a serious infection may be present with a mild fever or a body temperature below normal. The most important risk of a febrile illness is febrile seizure, which develops in 2-5% of children, especially between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.
If the child is interested in the surroundings, plays games, smiles at you and eats and drinks well, his skin color is normal and If he looks healthy when his fever goes down, there's probably nothing seriously wrong. It is normal for a child with fever to have no appetite and not want to eat, and this does not indicate that the child is seriously ill. However, the child's fluid intake and urine output should be normal. A child who does not even want to drink liquids by mouth and does not pass urine is seriously ill, and in this case it is necessary to consult a physician.
A fever of 38.5 C and below does not require the administration of antipyretics unless the child looks sick. As an exception, if children under 3 months have a high fever, it is necessary to consult a physician. Because even a mild fever in very young children can be a sign of a serious infection. If a child between the ages of 3 months and 3 years has a fever above 38.7 oC, the child should be seen by a doctor. In older children (over 3 years old), if the fever affects the child's daily activities, there is a serious problem.
Practices to be applied to a child with fever:
All children have Fevers are not treated. If the fever bothers the child and affects his daily life, let's give him an antipyretic. Let's give acetaminophen (Paracetamol) or ibuprofen considering the child's age and body weight. Never give Aspirin. Because Aspirin can cause a fatal disease called Reye's syndrome in some viral infections that progress with fever, especially chickenpox.
Consult your doctor about the drug doses. It is useful to determine k. It would not be right to give antipyretics to a child under three months of age without consulting a doctor. Antipyretics do not treat the disease that causes fever. It just reduces the fever a little.
Precautions to be taken at home for a child with fever:
He should be dressed in thin clothes at home and covered with a thin blanket while sleeping. Tight and thick clothes should not be worn.
The child's room should not be too hot or too cold.
Wetting the body with warm water to reduce the fever. It is useful. However, very cold water or ice should not be applied. Because when cold is applied, it will cause the child to shiver and cause the fever to rise even more.
You should never rub the child's skin with alcohol or cologne in order to reduce the fever or for any other purpose. Because alcohol is absorbed through the skin and causes poisoning.
Food and drinks
Give plenty of water to compensate for fluid loss. Because fever causes fluid loss and due to loss of appetite, the amount of fluid the child takes is restricted. Water, soup and ayran can be given, but drinks such as tea and cola containing caffeine should not be given. Because caffeinated drinks can make dehydration worse by diuretic.
When should a child with fever be taken to a doctor?
For applying to a hospital or doctor, the child's age, disease status and the presence of fever-related symptoms are taken into account. It would not be right to send a child with fever to nursery or school. If 24 hours have passed since the fever subsided and there is no other additional health problem, the child can be sent to school.
If the body temperature measured rectally in children under three years of age is over 38 oC,
If the temperature is above 39 C in the older child,
Also, the fever is below 39 C but the child:
If he is sick enough to refuse to drink fluids,
If he has ongoing diarrhea or vomiting,
Signs of fluid loss, decrease in activity, persistent If there is sleepiness,
If there are specific complaints such as ear and throat pain along with fever,
For more than 24 hours in children under 2 years of age fire ş,
Fever lasting more than 72 hours in children aged 2 years and over,
Fever whose degree gradually increases,
The child with fever may have heart disease, asthma, lupus, etc. If you have a chronic disease,
If you have a skin rash or redness and spots on the skin along with fever
If you have crying or pain while urinating In all these cases, it is necessary to consult a physician or hospital.
When should a child with fever be taken to the emergency room?
If he/she has unstoppable crying accompanied by fever,
If he/she is extremely restless,
Extreme weakness, difficult to wake up,
Development of rash and bruises on the body along with fever,
Problems on the tongue, lips or fingernails and toenails If there is bruising,
Neck stiffness, constantly sleeping with the head thrown back,
Severe headache,
Looseness, lack of movement,
Difficulty in breathing (even though the nose is cleaned),
Convulsion with fever,
Moderate or severe abdominal pain with fever
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