Family Influence on Child Development

The preschool period is the period when the family is most effective in the development of the child. During this period, many responsibilities fall on the parents. When talking about these duties, the emphasis is usually on mothers. Although this balance has changed recently, mostly the mother is the person who takes the responsibility of taking care of the child.

While being a father meant loving the child from afar, supporting the family and being the authority that enforces the rules in the past, nowadays it is one-on-one time with the child who shares the care of the baby from birth.

According to studies, it is stated that the father role will be easier to develop in men who spend more time with their children, are in physical contact and help with self-care.

Because the father has not carried and breastfed his child for nine months, in the child's first years, he thinks himself less necessary than the mother. But from the moment the child is born, the father needs love and attention. The child feels safe in his father's lap.

The foundations of mother-child relationships and father-child relationships are laid in the first years. In families where the father-child dialogue is established early, the child who has a father model as well as the mother model from a young age learns that there is a different model from his mother, that there is a world outside his mother. The approval and acceptance of the father gives the message that the child is accepted and liked by the outside world.

Fathers are a guide for the outside world within the home. In the preschool period, it is important that the father encourages the child to play physical games in order to prepare the child for the outside world, and on the other hand, it is important to build small steps for the child to gain autonomy. Values ​​about morality and belief system and the relationship of the child with authority are shaped through the father. Fathers play an important role in gaining self-confidence, academic success, responsibility, sense of belonging, sexual identity formation and many other values. Children who are on good terms with their father and feel his support can gain a personality structure that is more self-confident and able to evaluate himself more realistically. n; It has been found that their academic performance is higher, their self-confidence increases, they feel stronger, they have high social skills, they have a positive attitude towards school, their academic motivation and cognitive skills are higher.

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