The wedding season continues at full speed with the summer months.
While bride and groom candidates think about every detail of their most special day, smiling with white teeth in photographs that will immortalize that night is among their greatest desires. .
What can be done to have white teeth and an aesthetic smile on the wedding day?
First of all, we should point out that the most important factor in terms of aesthetics is the color tone of the teeth. Teeth whitening treatments are among the most popular aesthetic dental treatments to smile with whiter teeth. Teeth whitening treatments can be in the form of office type bleaching (teeth whitening) or home type bleaching (teeth whitening at home).
Office type teeth whitening treatments are a type of teeth whitening applied by a dentist in a dental clinic. It is also known as laser teeth whitening.
Office whitening alone may not be sufficient for people whose teeth are quite yellow.
In home teeth whitening, lower concentrations of tooth whitening gels are given to the patient. Teeth whitening gels are used as recommended by the dentist. The desired whiteness can be achieved with gels used regularly for 7-15 days.
The most ideal whitening treatment is to continue with home-type low-concentration gels after office-type teeth whitening applications. These treatments, called combined teeth whitening treatments, usually include 2-3 sessions of office type teeth whitening and home application.
The permanence of teeth whitening treatments is on average 2 years. The use of coloring foods such as cigarettes, tea, coffee and cola reduces the lifespan of whitening.
It is not necessary to apply the combination again when a few shades of color return in people who have had teeth whitening treatment before. At this stage, intervening with office or home bleaching applications alone prevents the teeth from returning to their old color tone.
In addition to tooth color, tooth alignments and tooth forms are also very important in smile aesthetics. It is important. Crowding or gaps in the teeth disrupt the harmony of smile aesthetics with facial aesthetics. Asymmetrical smile is a problem other than aesthetic problems. It can also damage jaw closing relationships.
Orthodontic treatment ensures that the teeth are placed in the correct position while preserving their natural state. Tooth crookedness or gaps between teeth are corrected.
Orthodontic treatments are mostly known as braces treatments. However, today, wireless orthodontic treatments are also available. Your teeth get straightened day by day, thanks to transparent aligners, without wearing braces. These removable plates offer orthodontic treatment without complicating social and business life. You can remove these records while eating, on a special day or at a business meeting. Later, when you put the aligners on again, your orthodontic treatment continues in the same way.
It may be preferable to straighten the teeth with brace-free orthodontic treatment before the wedding. You can remove your aligners on the wedding day and then continue your treatment. These plaques are very thin and transparent plaques.
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