An Exploration to Children's Inner World: Play Therapy

Children are not as good at using words as adults. Adults are ready to solve many problems they encounter in the ordinary course of life by talking. However, children have difficulties in expressing themselves by speaking due to both their vocabulary and their cognitive capacities. The child who cannot express himself may feel a deep sense of loneliness with the feeling that he is not understood. This emotion can lead to depression, anxiety disorders, and various self-esteem issues.

Fortunately, children have a way to express themselves. This way is the game. Play is the language of the child. Children find a safe space to express their emotions and understand their own emotions during play; at the same time, they can process and analyze the challenging experiences that affect them in their lives through play.

Any child who can play symbolic games can participate in play therapy. If we need to specify an age range, we can say that it is 2-11 years old. Children who start play therapy are generally quite happy to be in the playroom, the biggest reason for this is that the child is free in the playroom, the only leading role is himself. There is a therapist who accepts him as he is, understands and reflects on his feelings.

Play therapy and normal play are quite different. Play therapy is a specially designed approach to the emotional, social and mental needs of children. While normal play is played with the motive of passing time and entertainment, play therapy aims to shed light on the unresolved problems in the child's inner world.

The therapist's experience and education is very important in play therapy, because the therapist should be able to analyze the child's play in this process and approach the most appropriate to his needs.

If you also have difficulties in understanding your child's inner world, if you think that there are behaviors that are incompatible with his age and that he has problems that will affect his daily life, I recommend that you consult a specialist.

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