Reverse Kegel is an eccentric contraction exercise where you can regain the elongation ability of your pelvic floor muscles, which helps to relax your pelvic floor. With this exercise, it is aimed to increase flexibility as well as to relieve pelvic pain and tension.
In order for the skeletal muscles to fully function, the muscles must always be able to contract and relax. It is important that the muscles are as strong as they are to maintain their relaxation and elongation ability. Reverse Kegel Exercise is the opposite of standard Kegel Exercise. Traditional Kegel exercises focus on contracting and pulling inward and upwards to relax the pelvic floor muscles. Reverse Kegel exercises, on the other hand, focus on stretching the pelvic floor muscles, contracting and relaxing them in and out. Both types of contractions can help keep our pelvic floor muscles functioning.
Continue reading to learn how Reverse Kegel Exercises can benefit men and women, how to find the right muscles, how to work them, and more.
BENEFITS OF REVERSE KEGEL EXERCISE WHAT? known for its potential effects on your life. Regular and correctly prescribed exercises can help you increase your libido and experience stronger orgasms while helping with pelvic floor problems.
Reverse Kegel Exercises – Especially myofascial pelvic For women with pain, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), endometriosis, vaginismus and chronic pelvic pain, relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles can help relieve possible pain. Since exercise teaches you how to stretch and release your pelvic floor muscles, it can also be beneficial during childbirth. During birth, the uterus contracts and supports the baby's exit, while the pelvic floor muscles should be relaxed and extendable.
Generally speaking, Reverse Kegel Exercise helps to lengthen the pelvic muscles and improve muscle control. It can help alleviate various problems related to pain, sensitivity and loss of function due to tension in the sole muscles.
How to find the right muscles?
It's important to find and identify the right muscles before trying the Reverse Kegel Exercise.
For many people, their pelvic floor Stretching downwards is similar to the feeling of emptying when urinating or defecating. That's why it's important to empty your bladder and bowels before you start exercising. This way, you can practice comfortably.
When you're ready, focus on stretching and releasing these muscles down as you breathe. As you fill your body with breathing, your diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles should descend in coordination.
Men and Although women practice differently, the orientation is basically the same for both sexes. You are lengthening the pelvic floor muscle group that covers the bottom of the pelvis.
For women
Exercises by bending your knees You can do it lying on your back, sitting or standing. Supine is the easiest position to start. Being able to stretch these muscles in any position after progressing in the exercise means that you are a master of the job.
After taking the appropriate position for you, take deep breaths and bring your awareness to your pelvic floor muscles. As you breathe out, feel your muscles relax and stretch downwards.
You can use a mirror to check the movement of the exercise. Your anus is released as the space between the anus and the vagina for women and the penis for men moves downward. You should also feel your pelvic floor muscles expanding.
Try to keep the Reverse Kegel Exercise long for 5 seconds� n and then release for the same amount of time. You can do two to three sets of 10 points throughout the day. Once you've mastered this, you can try holding it longer and letting it go. (If you can't do 5 seconds, start with your own limit. Consult your pelvic floor physiotherapist for more specific exercise prescription.)
Make sure to breathe while doing these exercises. It's important to breathe into your belly as you breathe in (rather than just breathing from your chest). It's important to keep your core, hips and inner thighs relaxed.
Learning to do the standard Kegel Exercise first can be beneficial for muscle orientation. This can help you find the right muscles and learn how to control them.
It would be better to do Reverse Kegel Exercise when your bladder and bowels are relatively empty.
Do not overdo it and do not overstrain your muscles, especially in the beginning. Make sure you don't hold your breath, strain, strain or strain any other part of the body. You should not mix these exercises while performing any core stabilization exercise.
Remember to breathe properly. Holding your breath can create more tension in your body.
Stop doing Reverse Kegel Exercises if they are causing you any pain or discomfort. This is usually a sign that the exercise was not done properly. It will be helpful to get support from a pelvic floor physiotherapist and talk about how to master the technique.
You may not find this exercise easy at first. Like any movement we learn, it becomes more natural and easier with time and practice.
The time it takes to see results varies from person to person. It may take several weeks or months for you to see results. Being patient and consistent with your routine It is important to be. It may be necessary to add other pelvic floor exercises to your program as well. This article is for informational purposes only. For a treatment program specific to you, apply to the relevant healthcare professional.
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