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How are Porcelain Laminates Made?51 / 2023-12-30 Confrontation, Awareness and Taking Responsibility are Important51 / 2024-02-09 Protect yourself from diseases by eating well during seasonal transitions51 / 2024-02-07 Compatibility Problems51 / 2023-12-18 Bone Graft Applications51 / 2024-02-04 DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU NEED TO CONSUME FAT TO LOSE WEIGHT?51 / 2024-02-19 New Year's Nutrition51 / 2024-01-06 Implant Surgery Under General Anesthesia51 / 2024-02-04 Coronary Bypass51 / 2024-01-26 Popular Diet Food: Oatmeal51 / 2024-01-12 My Child Doesn't Want to Go to School51 / 2024-01-24 5 Super Foods That Will Keep You Full During Ramadan51 / 2024-02-06 Correct Posture and Brain Control51 / 2023-12-29 Thyroid Effects51 / 2024-02-08 Is it our body or our soul that is hungry?51 / 2023-12-31 We Are In Your Family51 / 2024-01-29 The Importance of Murmur in Children51 / 2024-01-01 Does Teff Seed Make You Lose Weight?51 / 2024-01-27 Postpartum Protection Methods51 / 2024-02-20 Do You Know Which Vegetarian Group You Follow?51 / 2024-02-04 Cocaine - Stone Addiction and Treatment51 / 2024-01-27 What's Happening to My Body?51 / 2024-01-28 Mung Beans51 / 2024-02-19 How Do I Set Limits for My Child? What are the benefits of setting boundaries?51 / 2024-02-08 Childhood Traumas in Couples Therapy51 / 2024-02-08 Dry beans51 / 2024-02-08 Blood Pressure Patients, Pay Attention to Nutrition in Summer Heat!51 / 2023-12-18 BASICS OF OBESITY: CHILDHOOD OBESITY51 / 2024-02-19 7 Precautions Against Kidney Stone Risk51 / 2024-01-23 What if a Boy Plays with a Doll?51 / 2024-01-27 How Important Is Fish Oil During Pregnancy?51 / 2024-02-21 FAT INJECTION AESTHETICS51 / 2024-02-18 Disc Herniation Surgeries & Fear of Surgery & May I Need to Have Surgery Again?51 / 2024-02-05 Allergy Protection51 / 2024-01-11 Painless Bleeding and Bladder Cancer51 / 2024-01-26 Recovery Process After Nose Surgery51 / 2024-02-08 Depressive Symptoms and Family Relationship in Children and Adolescents51 / 2024-02-02 How Can I Overcome My Insulin Resistance?51 / 2023-12-22 WHAT ARE THE ISSUES TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING A PSYCHOLOGIST?51 / 2024-02-20 Suggestions to Support Focus and Self-Control Skills in Children51 / 2023-12-02 The Importance of Growth and Development Tracking51 / 2024-01-11 When should sexuality begin after birth?51 / 2024-02-20 Life with Narcissism: "Me and Me"51 / 2024-01-28 Philosophy of Rhinoplasty Surgery51 / 2024-01-28 BASIC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT RHYTHM DISORDER51 / 2024-02-19 Lack of Self-Confidence in Dysletic Individuals51 / 2024-02-05 Dentist Phobia51 / 2024-02-08 Effects of Stress on the Brain51 / 2024-02-08 Let's not stay still at home!51 / 2023-12-29 Living in Black and White51 / 2024-02-09 Protective Filling in Children51 / 2024-02-06 "Not Being able to Communicate" with the Child51 / 2023-12-29 How Should Kidney Tumor Treatment Be?51 / 2024-02-06 Violence to Animals is a Harbinger of Violence to Humans51 / 2024-01-10 Big Breast Problem51 / 2024-01-26 Side Effects of Cancer Treatment51 / 2024-02-21 Exercising done unconsciously causes harm51 / 2024-02-07 Family Counseling - Purpose of Family Therapy51 / 2023-12-21 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis51 / 2024-02-05 Disaster Psychology51 / 2024-01-23 From the Window of Depression...51 / 2024-01-28 Yo-Yo Cycle51 / 2024-02-08 Is Stress Related to Cancer?51 / 2024-01-25 We broke up but why?51 / 2024-02-08 Pessimism Kills51 / 2024-01-27 Sixth Disease (Roseola Infantum)51 / 2024-02-05 7 Suggestions for Babies' Skin Health in Winter51 / 2024-01-23 What is Good for Toothache?51 / 2024-02-08 Should every marriage involving cheating end?51 / 2024-02-06 Boundaries Are Good51 / 2024-01-28 Healthy Weight Management Program51 / 2024-02-21 Let's Recognize Postpartum Depression51 / 2024-01-28 Why Do Teeth Loose? 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